Checking Tefillin and Mezuzah Services


Thank you for choosing 

Sofer Avrohom Dovid Wolffe. Get the most out of your Tefillin. Bring your Tefillin to a trusted Sofer who will examine and repair what is needed.

Sofer Avrohom Dovid will check Tefillin for $130 per pair, which includes opening Tefillin, checking all  Parshiyos and inserting them back correctly, closing and sewing the Batim. 

An analysis of the quality of your Tefillin at your request. 

At an additional charge you may request hermetic cosmetic sealing and painting.

The minimum time required to check Tefillin is 2 hours per pair. There may be additional cost if corrections or repairs are necessary.

You may bring Tefillin to Sofer Avrohom Dovid Wolffe. Los Angeles CA 90036

Email to schedule. Sofer is out of town until January 10, 2025. You may call Sofer after January 10, 2025 at 2137069118. 

Pick-up and delivery cost depends on distance.

Payment Options


Credit card

 IF the Tefillin were not kosher, the Sofer will inform you to rewrap Tefillin for the day. Often just the straps are not kosher and that will necessitate laying Tefillin again before sunset with a blessing.